Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Shop, Is Open.

I have officially Open Brothers Fine Tobacco.

I should say that the idea of opening my own business is not a new one. I've been working (on and off) on BFT for over a year. Many a night I spent looking for good products that I felt people would buy, building pricing models, Market research, licensing, budgets, etc. etc.

I'm finally living the dream!

The dream of working 7 days (I believe in God's day of rest), making sure all the taxes and legalities are taken care of, budgeting, budgeting, budgeting...

I originally planned to open BFT on a shoestring budget (wonder where that expression came from) that was arguably laughable when it cam to launching a business. Then more personal expenses came (did I mention I'm funding everything out of pocket?). I thought that since the door was closed the past 2 times of launching the business, that this surely was a sign of "Not right now" from the all mighty.

And then a small opportunity came open at our local swap meet. I felt like I had to take the chance, for my family's future. So on an EVEN SMALLER BUDGET (less than $800) I proceeded to open BFT... in a pink and purple room.

But its mine. Struggle and all. I've been officially open for sales for 2 days, and I am hungry for more!

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